Katana O suriage attributed by a NBTHK certicate to Hideyo Hyoshinshi – 水心子秀世
Shinshinto Kaei 1848 Musashi province.
Hideyo, also called Tamura Gunpei, was the student and son-in-law of the great Suishinshi Masahide considered the founder of the movement Shinshinto.
The particular and rare shape of this blade is called « Kissaki Moroha Zukuri ». Its origin is very old and dates back over 1000 years.
One of the most prestigious sword like this is the legendary Kogarasu-maru (10th century) which was a treasure of the Taira Clan and is now in the imperial collection.
This magnificent blade has an excellent quality, no Kizu (default), with a nice activity where we can see Nie, Chikei, Sunagashi, Kinsuji, Nioi Fukaku, Nioiguchi …
The Jihada is a tight itame and Hamon is Gunome Midare in Niedeki.
Sold in Shirasaya, with a beautiful Habaki and NBTHK Hozon certificate.
Fujishiro rank = Josaku
Dimensions :
Nagasa = 69,5 cm
Motohaba = 3,1 cm
Kasane = 0,7 cm