Hideyo Hyoshinshi Katana

Katana O suriage attributed by a NBTHK certicate to Hideyo Hyoshinshi – 水心子秀世

Shinshinto Kaei 1848 Musashi province.

Hideyo, also called Tamura Gunpei, was the student and son-in-law of the great Suishinshi Masahide considered the founder of the movement Shinshinto.
The particular and rare shape of this blade is called « Kissaki Moroha Zukuri ». Its origin is very old and dates back over 1000 years.
One of the most prestigious sword like this is the legendary Kogarasu-maru (10th century) which was a treasure of the Taira Clan and is now in the imperial collection.

This magnificent blade has an excellent quality, no Kizu (default), with a nice activity where we can see Nie, Chikei, Sunagashi, Kinsuji, Nioi Fukaku, Nioiguchi …
The Jihada is a tight itame and Hamon is Gunome Midare in Niedeki.

Sold in Shirasaya, with a beautiful Habaki and NBTHK Hozon certificate.

Fujishiro rank = Josaku

Dimensions :
Nagasa = 69,5 cm
Motohaba = 3,1 cm
Kasane = 0,7 cm


Katana Hideyo japanese sword (1)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (2)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (3)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (4)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (5)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (6)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (7)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (8)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (9)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (10)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (11)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (12)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (13)
Hideyo (1)
Katana Hideyo japanese sword (14)